Green image
Sophie Aghajanian SRUA £325.00etching and aquatint20 x 25cmedition of 20Read more -
Out of Shadows
Sophie Aghajanian SRUA £1250.00oil on paper28 x 39cmRead more -
There is no before or after this
Yoko Akino £565.00Etching and aquatint71cm x 85cmedition of 40Read more -
Model Bathing in Watercolour
Barbara Allen RUA £800.00watercolour on wood45cm x 35cmRead more
The View From Keel Strand, Achill
Barbara Allen RUA Soldwater soluble oil on board40cm x 120cmRead more -
Night Fleet II
James Allen SRUA £325.00Aquatint18cm x 23cmedition of 10Read more -
Night Shore
James Allen SRUA Soldoil on canvas20cm x 25cmRead more -
Feather II
Neisha Allen RUA £145.00Drypoint9.5cm x 7.5cmedition of 10Read more
Memory Remains
Neisha Allen RUA Soldoil on board25cms x 30cmsRead more -
Night-Glow Escarpment
Margaret Arthur SRUA Soldphoto-etch and mono-encaustic25.5cm x 25.5cmRead more -
Troubled Waters
Margaret Arthur SRUA Soldoil and mixed media on wood panel19cm x 25.5cmRead more -
Objects on Table
Brian Ballard SRUA £8500.00oil on canvas80cm x 120cmRead more
Shadows, Cyprus Avenue
Brian Ballard SRUA £12000.00oil on canvas120cm x 150cmRead more -
Marrakesh Shadow Flowers
Lisa Ballard RUA £2000.00oil and spray paint on canvas70cm x 90cmRead more -
Path Through the Trees
Lisa Ballard RUA £3000.00oil and spray paint on canvas91cm x 153cmRead more -
Kyle Barnes £9500.00oil on canvas120cm x 120cmRead more
Alana Barton Soldoil on canvas75cm x 60cmRead more -
Kate Beagan Soldoil on canvas40cm x 60cmRead more -
Song Thrush, Enduring Love. A Tribute.
Sallyann Beirne Soldoil on canvas board32cm x 28cmRead more -
Summer Hedgerow
Sallyann Beirne Soldoil on canvas80cm x 80cmRead more
Alexandra Bell £300.00Digital animation with painting and binaural soundRead more -
An Irish Landscape
Paul Bell £5500.00oil on linen100cm x 100cmRead more -
Scott Benefield £600.00Glass24cm x 20cmRead more -
Upland Bog
Malcolm Bennett £1800.00oil on canvas76cm x 76cmRead more
Silver Scabbard
Barbara Blane £600.00recycled sterling silver5cm x 3cmRead more -
Safe Harbour
Marjorie Bloch Soldoil on canvas100cm x 80cmRead more -
James Boomer SoldBronze85cm x 10cmRead more -
Declan Boyle Soldpastel60cm x 50cmRead more
Fintan Boyle £450.00oil on canvas24cm x 18cmRead more -
Time is Ticking
Geraldine Boyle £750.00Super 8 FilmRead more -
MV Tadorna
Lynda Bremner Soldoil on old OS map71cm x 127cmRead more -
Annamakerrig Dollshouse
Betty Brown PPRUA £2400.00wood and mixed media76cmx 93cm x 58cmRead more
The Gallery
Betty Brown PPRUA £1400.00wood and mixed media54cm x 71cm x 37cmRead more -
Dog with Bird
Cheryl Brown £1650.00Bronze12cm x 13cmedition of 9Read more -
Silently Strong
Veronica Buchanan Soldceramics textiles90cm x 50cmRead more -
Buried Deep 2
Roslyn Burch O Donnell £380.00Ceramics28cm x 20cmRead more
Cabbages by the Eclipse
Enda Burke £495.00photography60cm x 54cmedition of 15Read more -
Anne Butler ARUA £650.00porcelain19cm x 17cmRead more -
Anne Butler ARUA £7500.00porcelain and cyanotypeRead more -
Declan Byrne ARUA £245.00woodcut reduction relief print59cm x 44cmedition of 15Read more
Upon a Pond in the Phoenix Park
Mark Byrne £1600.00watercolour43cm x 53cmRead more -
Remnant Sketches
Stuart Cairns £1200.00Steel, Silver, linen thread, beach found plastic5cm x 23cmRead more -
Broken Cooking Pot
Comhghall Casey ARUA £3800.00oil on canvas56cm x 56cmRead more -
Self Portrait
Comhghall Casey ARUA £2400.00oil on canvas30cm x 25cmRead more
Mother Knows Best
Sue Cathcart £1500.00Papier Mache31cm x 50cmRead more -
Neighbourhood Looms
Sarah Cathers Soldmixed media28cm x 40cm x 32cmRead more -
Beatrice Chapleo SRUA £550.00Acrylic on canvas30cm x 45cmRead more -
Water Side
Beatrice Chapleo SRUA £550.00acrylic on canvas30cm x 45cmRead more
The Night Garden
Daniel Chester £4600.00oil on dibond panel125cm x 115cmRead more -
Distant Thoughts
Anne Christie £2000.00oil on panel54cm x 43cmRead more -
Grant Me Wisdom
Anne Christie £3140.00oil on gesso primed board61cm x 61cmRead more -
Betty Christie £900.00watercolour31cm x 71cmRead more
Fallen Branch
Betty Christie £980.00graphite and watercolour31cm x 71cmRead more -
Starlings, Castlereagh Hills, Winter
Betty Christie Soldwatercolour and white gouache56cm x 92cmRead more -
Double Mirror I
Majella Clancy Soldscreenprint64cm x 45cmRead more -
Explorations in Form 04
Pauline Clancy Soldscreenprint40cm x 30cmRead more
Brian Clarke - Master Silversmith
Alan Clarke £4800.00Bronze50cm x 25cmRead more -
Alan Clarke £2200.00painted plaster50cm x 25cmRead more -
Hugh Clawson Soldcarved wood and aluminium55cm x 34cmRead more -
Isbjorn VI
Jenny Cleary £3600.00acrylic and conte on canvas100cm x 70cmRead more
Galway Swans
Ivor Coburn SRUA £3500.00oil on canvas51cm x 122cmRead more -
New Bridge, Moyola River
Ivor Coburn SRUA Soldoil on canvas55cm x 100cmRead more -
Antrim Road (Diesel/Unleaded)
John Coffey Soldacrylic40cm x 60cmRead more -
Vienn Vessel
Saoirse Condon Soldporcelain and porcelain paper clay30cm x 25cmRead more
Man of Arranmore
John Cooney £5300.00watercolour59cm x 42cmRead more -
Terry Corr £595.0050cm x 50cmRead more -
Free as a Bird Now
Catherine Creaney £5000.00pastel and pencil on paper70cm x 56cmRead more -
Young Carer
Catherine Creaney £8900.00oil on linen80cm x 70cmRead more
Green Space
David Crone SRUA Soldoil on canvas130cm x 160cmRead more -
Kilcar Weaver
Jackie Crooks Soldacrylic on metal30cm x 33cmRead more -
14314 days
Ian Cumberland ARUA £10000.00oil on linen150cm x 110cmRead more -
Ian Cumberland ARUA £10000.00oil on canvas140cm x 120cmRead more
Ria Czerniak-LeBov Soldetching and aquatint20cm x 15cmRead more -
Ria Czerniak-LeBov Soldetching and aquatint23cm x 17cmRead more -
Natalia Czerwionka Soldgraphite50cm x 40cmRead more -
Farmhouse Cat, Galicia, Spain
James Davis £300.00Photograph printed on Hahnemuhle cotton rag30cm x 42cmedition of 5Read more
The Commonplace
Leah Davis £6200.00Oil, charcoal, graphite on canvas170cm x 100cmRead more -
Music Among the Trees
Karen Daye-Hutchinson ARUA Soldmonoprint, drypoint - multiplate70cm x 95cmRead more -
Through a Forest Wilderness
Karen Daye-Hutchinson ARUA £1100.00monoprint, drypoint - multiplate77cm x 95cmRead more -
Maggie Deignan Soldcharcoal on paper26cm x 28cmRead more
of 5